Our Office
Plot No.37, Narung'ombe Street Dar es Salaam

Using technology to transform business practices to achieve and sustain their objectives.

Our advisors conduct business modeling, deal structuring, and price guidance in order to identify the strategic benefits of the target using technology to transform your company. Likewise, we search for potential buyers, perform extensive financial analysis, due diligence, negotiations, valuations, and risk assessments.


We work with independent developers to develop and implement digital strategies for your business. They possess a solid understanding of process change, cultural transformation, data, and technology. We will work with you to investigate, design, and assist in the execution of a distinctive digital strategy that fits your company. This allowing your company to effectively respond to early indications of disruption, to generate value from data and technology, and to building a new source of growth that will set your organization apart from the competition.

Our collective major focus lies on the use of technology geared towards changing business models and creating possibilities for a digital platform.

We utilize modern technologies to boost organizational performance by developing new products and enhancing the present procedures to give your company a stronger competitive edge.

To positively embrace change, we can swap out outdated business models, introduce fresh digital initiatives, or rethink the workplace culture.

The firm provides your business with distinctive, cutting-edge, long-lasting, data-driven services to support future growth, enhance current digital capabilities, and quicken digital and business transformation.

Why Digitize?

Cost Reduction

Efficiencies can be gained by installing software automation to solve targeted problems and to augment production by allowing for autonomous operations. These translate into reduced unit costs while maintaining sustainable production capacities.

Improved Process and Equipment Reliability

It allows management to take corrective action before a breakdown event occurs. Equipment such as sensors, measuring devices, and wireless communication devices for gathering information must be deployed to achieve this.

Less Labour Reliability

Specialized software performs analyses using real-time data to create maintenance alerts and recommendations. This strategy ensures that assets are well maintained without wasting companies’ internal resources on unnecessary maintenance work.

Greater Flexibility

A pertinent example of how digital transformation allows greater flexibility is through software offered as a service. A digital mindset reduces a company’s dependence on physical limitations.

Process Standardization

Implementing a digital solution offers a way to standardize existing habits. These activities would include sorting out workflows, performing inspections, and even performing maintenance and servicing.

Improved Efficiency

Having the right tools increases productivity while reducing work input. Moving from a tedious and repetitive process to a digitally enabled system can remove unessential waste within a company.


We use unique, custom-built digital initiatives to give your business an edge.

Human Resources

We are changing the way HR functions to focus on technology and data to create organizational change that supports the overall objectives of the business. Benefits offered include: Discovering fresh insights from reports and analytics.Increasing productivity and reduced errors by automating repetitive tasks, Improving the hiring process and employee experience (Digital Onboarding).


We help your business to begin implementing new digital technologies and improve all aspects of the manufacturing process. The goal is to drive overall performance improvement, efficiency and quality.


We apply digital thinking into the heart of business strategies and practices to transform the way the mining industry operates. We will work with you to create a more agile and profitable business, with improved decision-making and employee empowerment. Moreover, we advise on digitalization strategies that can reduce geological uncertainty, market volatility, operational risks, improve health, safety, and environmental impact.


Our experts can give a clear understanding of value creation to various stakeholders in the value chain. The decision making process consists of using digitized information to analyze and produce recommendations, to eliminate wastage and produce more food at different levels.



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